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Bring Your Soul to Work with Career Coach Mo Faul

Aug 26, 2022

Quit? Stick it out? Fight back? Call recruiters? Downgrade your career? Bitch about it for a decade? Get a puppy? Binge watch netflix? How about none of these.

Aug 19, 2022

I have a special message for you today. It’s about personal freedom. The purpose of your life is to be free – and for your soul to express itself fully while you’re here. I am sharing how you can claim your freedom in your career and your life. What I have to say will help you understand what’s in the way of...

Aug 12, 2022

Do what makes you happy!! Make sure what you're doing makes you happy. Don't take yourself so F-ing serious. Don't be afraid to fail. (Nelly green bean Costco story) [little kid failing GIF]

Aug 5, 2022

If you currently hate your job, you might think you know why. The boss is a jerk. Your co-workers aren’t cooperative. You’re doing too much. Etc. I’ll be giving you the real reasons underneath what appear to be the reasons. They may not be what you’re expecting. But once you understand the real reason you hate...